Not The Look I Was Going For

I used to have a retro leather jacket. It was great. I loved that jacket but it was when Mrs Grump said that I was starting to look like I had a kind of Hobo Chique going on that it was time to get rid of it and find a replacement. 

I’ve had a couple of non-leather jackets since which were nowhere near as cool and retro as the one I had. They just weren’t the same. I just haven’t felt right since. So for the past couple of years I’ve needed to find another cool leather jacket that fits me well. 

Today I saw a strong contender. I tried it on, it fit perfectly and it was the only one of it’s kind left in store and on top of that, it was almost half price! Surely this was meant to be!?! Surely, this was kismet?!?

I needed a second opinion. I dashed to find Mrs Grump lurking amongst the make up counters of the nearest department store, trying her best to get some oxygen amongst the heavy cocktail of perfumes that had been sprayed on unsuspecting passers by. 

After a dash back to the other store, I uncovered the hidden jacket, (oh I know how to play the game my friends) and wearing the jacket, I asked for Mrs Grumps honest and sometimes cutting opinion. 

“It’s a nice Jacket,” she says. 

So far, so good, I thought. 

“Yeah, it fits you well,” she says. 

Positive, this is going well, I thought. 

And that was it. She added no more. I was going to have to push this. 

“Does it suit me?” I ask, “Or do I look like a dick?”

“You don’t look like a dick,” She replied.  

What did that mean? It seemed like there was an imminent “but” due which never materialised. 

“It’s different to your normal look,” she follows up with. Which is a fair comment but that’s because generally speaking, I don’t think I have a “look” apart from a bespectacled Birmingham based bald bloke. No doubt I have a small collection of head wear for all occasions and some of that head wear would be redundant with this jacket, but I also have other options and I don’t actually think that a bald head looks bad with this jacket. 

Because it’s very difficult finding a decent style as a bald man, let me tell you. Sometimes I have to google famous bald men to see what their style is and what potentially looks good. Obviously avoiding any photos of Richard O’Brien during his Crystal Maze days. I haven’t got the legs for leggings, cowboy boots and leopard print coats. 

But seriously, it’s amazing the sheer amount of style choices you have as a follically gifted person. Only bald brothers would know the struggle. 

I needed to make a decision and then came the classic mantra from Mrs Grump; the mantra that empowers the indecisive shopping wife or girlfriend, you know the one, “You can always bring it back.”

Yes, yes I can always bring it back for I will have the all empowering receipt!! 

I took a decision and bought the leather jacket and damn it, I felt like I was almost my old self again. 

Later, whilst Mrs Grump continues to wander the aisles of the ladies wear section of a second department store, to purchase something to bring back next week no doubt, I stopped in a carbon copy costa coffee shop, and as the soya milk curdled in my coffee, decided to google “bald man leather jacket.”

I expected to see pictures of Jason Statham, Bruce Willis and perhaps even Billy Zane who have all embraced their baldness with pride. I needed a boost of confidence. 

But instead, the very first image I see is:



This is definitely not the look I’m going for. 

At least I’ve got the receipt. 

Meanwhile in Budapest….

It’s seriously chucking it down. If I wanted shit weather I could have saved on air fare. 

So I’m sat in a Costa with a croissant and coffee to perk me up. There are a handful of other customers looking miserable, as though they’ve made the decision to wait until the rain passes before venturing out once again, and have realised that the rain is here for the day, so now they’re trapped in a carbon copy Costa for the next 24 hours. 

The Baristas have a relatively unfriendly nature to them by Western standards. This is a common theme that Mrs Grump and I have found during our time here. If they work behind a till, they seem to have a hatred of all human beings. When making a purchase, I’m always feeling like I’ve been told off or my mere presence has pissed them off. Again, I could have saved on air fare for that experience. 

Is it because I’m English? I’m thinking of getting a T-shirt printed saying, “Hey, I voted Remain!”

Last night I ordered a couple of drinks in a restaurant with a wonderful romantic view. I opted for alcohol, Mrs Grump wanted a strawberry soda. The waiter brought over a cider. I did the very British thing of explaining that there’s been a mistake and that I ordered a strawberry soda, not cider and yet still included an apology in there even though it was no fault of mine. “It’s probably his accent, he’s from Birmingham,” Mrs Grump tried to explain. This, of course, meant absolutely nothing to the waiter who pulled a face like that of finding a dirty nappy on your doorstep. 

Back to the coffee shop and apart from the customer service skills of an aggressive verruca, the miserable atmosphere, miserable weather and the fact that the soya milk I requested doesn’t seem to want to mingle with my coffee, all is well. 

I’m reflecting as our trip is coming to an end and Mrs Grump and I have had a great time in this beautiful city. I would recommend a visit. There is so much to do that if you’re not careful, you’ll need another holiday to rest from all the running about. 

Then the Barista puts some music on to create a pleasant atmosphere. Some electronic, techno type of music that belongs in a fight scene from a Blade movie. 

Now imagine the scene before me if you will. Whilst this pounding fight scene soundtrack thumps through the speakers in this carbon copy Costa, a miserable old lady dunks her biscuit into her tea and tragically suffers the consequence of an overly saturated biscuit. 

Poor woman. She’ll have biscuit gunk at the bottom of her tea now. At least the soundtrack to the biscuit’s demise was befitting. 

The Birmingham Christmas Market

Birmingham, England. Every year in the weeks leading up to Christmas, the city is invaded by Germans who bring with them the Frankfurt Christmas Market!


Behold The Birmingham Christmas Market!

Year upon year it has grown in size. It draws thousands of Birmingham folk to enjoy the atmosphere and all the picturesque, German Christmassy stuff.

I can take it or leave it; I’m not particularly overwhelmed by this event. To me, it’s a chance to see a load of homesick Germans selling beer, sausage and tat that a 34-year-old man has no interest in. Don’t get me wrong, it’s lovely to look at. But it’s a bit like Kim Kardashian. Initially you’re attracted to what you’re looking at but when you start to invest anything more and look below the sparkling surface, there’s not much more that really interests you. Besides, there isn’t anything that you’d be happy to take home to show your Mum.


Stuff that a Grumpy Young Bloke doesn’t buy.

But this year I ventured out to visit and enjoy the ambience of this spectacle. It could be different; perhaps I was deluded before and the market had before caught me on a particularly grumpy day. Allow me to talk you through my Wednesday evening at the German Christmas Market.

I was attending with two of my comedy writing peers, Matthew and David. We’re a small comedy-writing group of six, thrown together by a con artist. That’s another story, but it’s been great to meet like-minded lovers of comedy writing, to discuss comedy and share ideas, gain critique and expand our knowledge and network.

Only three of us could make it Wednesday evening. I was last to arrive and so to join my writing brothers; I went and ordered a beer. I paid with a tenner; I received a sturdy tankard glass containing a pint of strong lager, a plastic chip and not much change. This was because they were anticipating that I might want to keep the glass and if I returned it with the chip it would prove I was the rightful owner and I’d get some money back. It was a nice glass, but it was a bit presumptuous to think that I’d want to steal it. Birmingham clearly has a reputation. But it’s completely unwarranted in my opinion. We are a kind, loveable and friendly people.

“Someone got glassed up here on Monday night,” said Matthew when I returned with my beer. On a Monday? At a Christmas market? Who glasses someone at a bloody Christmas market? Although, as I looked at the sturdy glass tankard I was holding, I couldn’t help but think that despite it being an atrocious thing to do, it did show a certain amount of ingenuity.

The beer was smooth and strong for a lightweight so it was just the one pint for me. So I returned to the bar with my tankard and chip. The lady serving asked if I wanted another. “No thanks, I’m feeling a little drunk,” I said as the friendly affable Brit. Hey, I was doing my bit for European relations here. I smiled and so did she. Well, I say smile, it was more like a half smile. Actually, on reflection, I think if you broke a smile down into thousandths, I’d go as far as to say it was 3/1000’s of a smile. Or it might have been a tick.

Food! It was time to sample the delicacy that is the German sausage and no, that’s not a euphemism. I approached a Bratwurst stand and ordered a standard hotdog. The lady grabbed a small sliced roll. It was a little bit larger than a choking hazard. The woman then shoved the sausage in it with the same disdain as someone throwing an ex-lovers underpants into a bin bag. The sausage dwarfed this bread roll. She thrust this thing into my face and demanded £4 for it. It was then I realised that this wasn’t a hotdog. This was a German sausage with a bread handle. Oh well, I thought, It’ll probably be nothing short of a taste sensation. It was, after all, a German sausage, made by Germans and sold by Germans.

It wasn’t. I’d added ketchup and mustard but still I couldn’t evade the overwhelming saltiness of this sausage. Who would have thought that extortion tastes so salty? There’s a gag there about sex trafficking, but I won’t go there. The sausage contained the equivalent of a weekly dose of salt. Probably, to encourage the sale of more beer. I was starting to feel myself dehydrate. I was fast resembling a raisin. I had learnt my friends, that I hadn’t just purchased a hotdog, I’d purchased disappointment for a sweet £4!


More salt! Definitely more salt needed.

I stood there contemplating whether I had gone to the German Market for a nice evening but inadvertently purchased angina.

I still ate the bloody thing. I was hungry and I’d spent good money for this shit. Damn it I’ll eat that disgusting salty German sausage! Again, that’s not a euphemism.

Matthew had also bought one and he wasn’t exactly overjoyed with his. David was waiting for our reactions before buying one. David’s not stupid!

We concentrated on the evening’s entertainment. A fat German bloke with a Karaoke machine. I’ll level with you, he wasn’t so much a singer, more of a butcher. It’s kind of imperative that the words have to be sung in time with the music. He should have stuck to some German songs or even some Hasselhoff tracks.

Between songs he’d try to get the crowd pumped by shouting, “Where is Birmingham?!” Only the drunk would reply with a “Yey!” I couldn’t help think firstly, who tries to enthuse a crowd by asking them directions? You don’t see Prince get on stage and say, “I need directions to Walthamstow!”


Secondly, doesn’t this bloke know where he is? “You’re here!” I shouted. “Look around at these underwhelmed, disappointed and dehydrated people. These are Brummies you’re punishing here!”


Then it got worse. He passed the mic to a female colleague who proceeded to sing Amy Winehouse’s version of Valerie. It was bad. “It’d help if she could pronounce her V’s,” observed David. He wasn’t wrong. It’d help if she had a gag, I thought. “Sounds like a pet shop burning down,” I said. “I feel like I’m in hell right now,” said Matthew, polishing off the remains of his sausage handle. She followed up with that classic Christmas hit, The lion sleeps tonight, demonstrating impeccable timing. Well, like that of Network Rail after gypsies steal the power cables.
She passed the mic back to the bloke. “Where is Birmingham!” Good God, this bloke’s still bloody lost!


I was still hungry and we decided to wander to the other part of the market which was less German, on the other side of the demolition site where they are tearing down the brutalist block building that was the old library.


I looked for more food and there was plenty to choose from. There was also plenty of stalls selling tat that I have no interest in whatsoever.


Pretty to look at but, no thanks.

It was just a case of damage limitation now. I’d been ripped off with the sausage; I was going to be ripped off some more. £6 for a burger, £5.50 for a hot dog with onions! I opted for a £4.50 falafel. The main draw being, that I was getting more value for money. Making a falafel wrap is so much more labour intensive isn’t it? It would thus leave me with less of a bitter taste in my mouth.

Matthew had opted for a bag of pork scratchings. Perhaps he hadn’t yet had enough salt. David played it safe and had French fries. Both of whom had finished their meals by the time I arrived with my falafel. Okay, some might have called it slow service, I called it getting more value for my money. It actually tasted okay. Just missed that certain meaty quality that I like. No! That’s not a euphemism either!

It was time to bring the evening to a close. As we entered the German Market zone, the fat bloke was still going strong and still lost. “Where is Birmingham?!” I found myself wishing I still had that glass.

Same time next year then?


Merry Christmas folks!

Christmas Jumper

It’s Christmas Jumper day today at work. For once I thought I’d get in amongst it and searched high and low through the shops of Birmingham to find the tackiest monstrosity I could find. 

Thank you Primark for £9 of Christmas wearable tack!

Today at work, sporting this fine garment, it’s clear to see that jealousy is in the air. 

From me that is. 

For I am jealous that no one else looks like a dickhead. 

Now it’s Christmas! Now!

It’s the 13th of December. Now! Yes, now! Now it is Christmas and not a day before!

Twelve days of Christmas and all that, remember? I can’t stand it when people even mention Christmas in October, put their tree up in November and celebrate what essentially is now a consumerist festival which, for the vast majority of people, (Around here anyway) has lost it’s religious sentiment.

The birth of Christ and all that jazz seems to be less the focus of the season with the focus being more about buying and getting presents. Many, many presents and spending, spending and spending some more. Which is a shame really because the birth of Christ wasn’t about all that was it? Although, one of the gifts bought to him was Gold which isn’t cheap so perhaps the message has always been there.

Mrs Grump asked me what I wanted for Christmas this year. I don’t really want anything to be honest. If I need a jumper, I go and buy one and the only other thing I can think of asking for is something which I will actually get some practical use out of. But when I asked for a bumper pack of Gillette Razors for shaving my head, I was met with a stoney faced, unimpressed Mrs Grump. I think she thought I was taking the Mick. I really wasn’t. Just as well I’ve got my regular supplier through Amazon.


Anyway, to get into the Christmas spirit, here’s a Christmas song and I think it kind of sums up my feeling perfectly.

Have a Happy / Grumpy Christmas!

YOU Need To Read This Post!!!

I’m sorry. Was it the title or the boobs that made you click?

I’ve lied to you. Much like many here, on the inter web, who draw you in with a promise of something special. It’s something called Clickbait. A dangled carrot with an image to capture your imagination (sometimes containing cleavage) and a concise sentence underneath which promises you something to blow your mind and teases your curiosity enough to make you want to find out more. It draws you in. Mystery, boobs, fascinating facts, shock horror and surprises are promised by these click baiters.

Now, much like you reading this, I have fallen foul of these tedious links and much like you, at this point, I’m a little disappointed. Sometimes, I could kick myself for clicking on the image because it is usually a bit of an anticlimax and sh*t. Okay, I take it back. I’m not a little disappointed. I’m p*ssed off by the complete bullsh*t of it all. I mean, who writes some of these?

But let me try to turn that frown upside down people because I want to share with you some of the Clickbait madness that I have found on the web in recent weeks. Some did get the better of my curiosity. Others did not for obvious reasons. Hopefully I can help you to not fall prey to this inter web of lies and deceit.

1. Mums Go Crazy

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Apparently, Mums go crazy over this £5 wrinkle remover. I had no idea that £5 was the going rate for snails. Maybe I can start an internet business selling slugs for £3. We have a few here in the grounds of Chateau Grump. I also had no idea that having them on your face reduces wrinkles and gives you the ability to look in different directions like a chameleon.

2. Make Money From Home.

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Simple new ways to make money from home. What better image to entice people to click on the link and to therefore show them how to make money from home rather than in an office, than to show a picture of a smug fellow in a business suit in front of a corporate building looking really happy?

3. Casinos. The Truth.

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I’m not sure if you can see him. But the man who has inadvertently been snapped in this couples selfie, see him? Yes, the one with the red circle around him. See him now? Can you see where the red arrow is pointing? Yes? Good. Anyway, he, whilst standing in this real casino and getting snapped in Deidre and Dave’s selfie, is apparently the truth about online casinos. I knew it. When I lay awake at night thinking what is the truth about online casinos, I knew it would be a man in a real casino, photobombing.

4. Looking Completely Different

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Surprisingly, Frankie Muniz still looks the same. Why is he on a page that promises to show former child stars who look totally different?

Please see below a picture of a naked A-list celebrity.


Surprisingly, it’s an onion.

5. Hurry Up Before This Video Gets Banned. 

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A picture of a small boat, going into a big boat. Some kind of sicko boating intercourse. It should be banned. Twisted nautical pornography.

6. Cock Trouble

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Hey! Before you say anything, NO, I didn’t click on it. Everything is fully operational. I’m no doctor but the reason why that dinkle is dysfunctional, is because it’s a finger. Whoever that person is in the photo, clearly has a finger for a dinkle. Getting an erection is the least of his worries. He needs to take a leak and not get beaten up when giving directions!

7. Nobody Saw This Coming.

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I’ll save you the trouble and 15 minutes of your life. It was an old tank. You’re welcome.


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Okay, yes, I clicked on this one. It was the cleavage that drew me in. Don’t judge me! I’m just a grumpy young bloke! But guess what happens……

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Nothing. Nothing happened. I never saw her again. No body boarding mishap. Nothing. Just some details of waterparks. What kind of misleading wickedness is this? Evil inter web trickery!

9. Shocking Facts

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You may be able to make out from the image above that you can see the first fact. It says that the budget for the film, Titanic, cost more that the cost to build the actual Titanic. This is a double whammy of deceit my friends. Why? Because firstly, that fact is not shocking and secondly, because it is not one of twelve. It’s the only f*%$&*g fact on there!

Here’s 37 facts about clickbait.

  • 1) It’s always b0llocks!

10. The Secret Room

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I don’t know about you, but I love the idea of a secret room. Not in a Christian Grey kind of way! So I did indeed click on this because I wanted to see the secret room which was astounding! So the website basically shows various photographs taken during someone’s urban exploration of an abandoned building. A building that was indeed unusual. It contained prison cells, an old swimming pool, a theatre and I continued to click through the many pages, loading page by page and image after image. Was I shown a secret room? No. No, I wasn’t. Damn you Click Baiter, tricking me once again!!!

So there you have it. I’m guessing that by using click baiting I have drawn readers to read about the evil of click baiting. In this instance the deceived has become the deceiver. But I do hope that I have opened your eyes to the deception of click baiting and that hopefully you won’t waste your time clicking on the same sh*t that I did.

I bet I get more visits to my page though thanks to that epic cleavage. I reckon at least 4.

The Rock

The Fridge Is Not A Buffet

I’m not a pretentious foodie. I don’t know what quinoa or ocra is. I have no interest in going to a fine dining posh restaurant to receive a small plate with something resembling a contemporary piece of abstract art and where it wouldn’t be out of place in a gallery with people standing around it, staring with their arms folded, perhaps a hand raised to their chin, stroking a goatee, as they contemplate the artists pain and use words like, “Modernism,” “Juxtaposition” and “Synergy.”

Food is just a necessity to me, it serves a purpose; to fill my grumpy stomach. Of course, I like food to be tasty but nothing too fancy. That said, as I live in Dudley, to many of the locals, I would probably be classed as a fancy b*stard. Why? Well, I’ve discovered my love of houmous. I know there are many different ways of spelling houmous but that’s how it’s spelt on the packaging.

Houmous hummus

Yes, I love houmous. Houmous with slightly toasted pita bread at 11am in the morning, as a mid morning snack, a joy. Also a necessity as I am calorie loading now that I’m a regular gym attendee. Slowly but surely, working my way towards being a bald human specimen. I’m kind of like Dudley’s version of Dwayne The Rock Johnson without the height, Hollywood grin, bank balance, Polynesian heritage and muscle mass, but apart from that, we are pretty much identical.

So on Monday morning I wrote my name on my houmous and put it in the fridge in our office.

I was feeling hungry before 11 so I headed over to the fridge after toasting my pita bread and retrieved my houmous at about 10.45. When I reached my desk, I slipped off the outer cardboard sleeve and to my absolute horror found that some cretin had unwrapped my houmous, helped themselves to some and then put it back in the fridge!

I’m the only person with my name in the office so whoever did this, knew I was the owner. They wouldn’t do that to The Rock! Why do they think they can do it to his identical Dudley counterpart?

The Rock

This is the Rock, not I, the Grumpy one.

I was shocked and appalled. Who would do such a thing? This required some serious action. I wasn’t going to eat it now. I’m a germophobe / buffetphobe at the best of times. What if this stranger double dipped? That was it, it was ruined.

The managers were all in a meeting but I had to act fast. There was only one thing I could do. Yes. A strongly worded email.

A couple of years ago, before I started working for this company, there was a man who had some of his milk stolen. He sent a furious email to the branch threatening to put arsenic in his milk. He was taken to one side and given a harsh talking to. This was not the tact I was going to take. For one, I don’t have any arsenic and secondly, it would render my own food inedible for me and therefore it would be pointless.

I set to work writing the email and within ten minutes, a literary rage was emailed to all on my floor. It was titled, “The fridge is not a buffet.”

Within the email, I explained that I hadn’t received the previous email explaining that the fridge was a free-for-all. That it is not good that someone would go into the fridge, take something that had my name on it, unwrap it, take some and put it back. In future I would have to cough on my own food or dip a licked finger into it to ensure it is protected from the houmous thief.

I explained that I had lost faith in humanity. (Probably a bit melodramatic, but I was conveying my disappointment and building drama.)

I then set out a warning to the thief to strike fear into the deepest darkest depths of their cavernous, detached, inconsiderate soul. I said, “I will find you houmous thief and when I do, I will guide you to the nearest foodbank because you can’t help yourself to other peoples food out of the communal fridge!”

I then left a link to the local Birmingham central foodbank. It was an opportunity to spread the word of the good work the food bank does for people in the community who are struggling to feed themselves.

The response was like a ripple across the floor. Some actually did see the funny side but others shifted uncomfortably in their seats. Anyone would have thought I dropped the C-bomb in my email or had a shocking racist rant about something or even worse, included a picture of Kanye West. But I hadn’t.

Some even said I should withdraw that email before the managers return from their meeting because I was surely to get in trouble. But damn it, I was going to stand my ground. Someone was stealing food and I wasn’t going to let them get away with it. Firm unflinching action had to be taken.

After lunch, the managers had returned. I sit next to my manager and my electronic rage was never mentioned. This can only mean one of three things:

  1. He’s got bigger fish to fry and my email wasn’t offensive.
  2. He’s a sympathiser. A brother who believes in the Grumpy cause to fight the food thieving inconsiderate oppressor!
  3. He knows who did it and he’s keeping his head down.

Many of my colleagues were sympathetic towards this victim of crime. Well, apart from one colleague, who sent me this picture.

stolen hummus

Shocking isn’t it? They’ve spelt houmous wrong!

Do You Stick To Your Principles?


Yes I usually do. But there’s a fine line between principles and stubbornness.

“Screw you capitalist swine!” I shouted, with my middle finger raised at the woman behind the till in Starbucks.

This was in my mind of course. It was probably a bit harsh to take it out on her. She just wants a job like the rest of us. Probably a nice person, with bills to pay, dreams and aspirations of escapism towards a fulfilling and meaningful existence. She might even be more of a tea drinker.

I had purchased my last Starbucks coffee. I had made the decision and that was that. My line in the sand was drawn damn it. The reason? Simply, I refuse to part with my money to a company that doesn’t pay tax back into the UK economy. Using this legal loophole is crafty, but fundamentally and morally wrong. We’re undergoing severe austerity cuts here in this country and our National Health Service, which we should be proud of, is struggling and falling into disrepute because of financial difficulties, even resorting to putting parts of the service out to tender to large corporations, which will run put profit ahead of quality care.

Anyway, I made the decision that Starbucks would no longer get my hard earned spondoolies.

I tweeted, ‘That’s it. My last @StarbucksUK coffee. Not fair to spend my money when they don’t pay tax. @TaxAvoidance_UK Power to the small independents.’ Yes, I copied in Tax Avoidance UK. I don’t mess about. My tweets automatically link to my Facebook too, so all my family, friends and 48 followers on Twitter were going to hear about this. I knew that this ripple would escalate through social media and send a shockwaves around the world.

I was right. Within a matter of days, I had gained 7 likes on the Facebook post. No response on Twitter. I always preferred Facebook anyway.

Must be a slow burner.

A few days later, I walked past a Starbucks and raised my fist saying, “Ooh pay your taxes you bloody tax evading bastards!” My friend looked at me and asked whether I was turning into Alan Partridge intentionally. It’s not a conscious decision.

I decided to Google companies which do not pay tax in the UK.

1. Starbucks – I will miss the Caramel Machiatto and shortbread cookie that I see as an odd treat. I shall also miss sitting in a certain Starbucks in Birmingham City centre. Oh well, I am a man of principle. I will not falter and change my mind now. Especially as I’ve told the world and the world has listened!

2. Amazon – I do a lot of online shopping and Amazon is my usual first port of call. My regular purchase consists of nasal strips to minimise my snoring and the resultant bruises from the good lady. Blue is usually my colour, but not when it’s skin tone. Oh well, at least there’s always eBay.

3. eBay – Bollocks!

4. Facebook – So much for social media campaigns then. My seven supporters will have to get on Twitter. I err, always preferred Twitter anyway…. honest.

5. Google – There’s an irony that I found out that Google don’t pay UK tax through a Google search. Oh well, I’ll have to find a new search engine. Is Ask Jeeves any good?

6. Apple – Well that’s me completely f****d! My Mac, my iPhone and iPad need to be binned. I can also forget about all my music on iTunes and on my iPod. I’ll have no means of surfing the web, using a different search engine, for other online retailers or alternative independent coffee shops!

I am a man of principle, stubborn, easily agitated and distracted by balloons. Much of that sentence is irrelevant. But if I stick to that principle and apply the whole boycotting of non-tax paying companies, it is going to prove very awkward and expensive for me.

So I’m sitting here, enjoying a shortbread cookie and a grande caramel macchiato, but not tweeting about it. I don’t need seven friends on Facebook, including my aunty Doris to boo and hiss at me with placards calling me a Judas!

Happy New Year to you all!

A Bit Of Grumpy Humour And Some Perspective Too.

I generally attempt to write humorous posts and rarely stretch to something more serious. I never really combine the two. Well here goes, it’s Christmas after all and that seems to be the standard excuse doesn’t it?

Eating and drinking way too much – It’s Christmas!
Spending too much – It’s Christmas!
Wearing a ridiculous jumper – It’s Christmas!

So here’s a few things that get me grumpy about this festive season.

1) Now call me a traditionalist but I always thought there were 12 days of Christmas. Not according to retailers! There are hints of it jotted about in supermarkets during October but it’s not until the day after Bonfire night, November 6th, that they go full on. It’s too soon. I don’t like to think about Christmas until about a week before when I start to panic buy presents.

Speaking of which….

2) Secret Santa. Pick a name out of a hat at work. That is the name of the colleague you have to spend £10 on and you’d better spend that much because they’ll know if you’ve scrimped on your present. So now you have the inconvenience and pressure of buying a suitable gift, for someone you really don’t know, and hope that they will like it. You know that fake smile and false gratitude through gritted teeth that fail to mask an internal bitter disappointment. You know because you’ve pulled it yourself! You see it when your colleague doesn’t have a sense of humour as they unwrap a Cliff Richard calendar. What’s not to love about the geriatric prince of pop stripped to the waste in February? I thought it was right up Geoff’s street.

Also there’s every possibility that you’ll end up with something crap.

In fact there are only two reasons to enjoy Secret Santa. To buy something that will offend someone. Or to buy soap and deodorant for the smelly colleague. It’s a subtle hint without the need for a manager to engage in that uncomfortable chat.

3) Crackers. Just what is the point? I mean, I can appreciate a masterful piece of origami like the next man, but to pull it apart only to receive a paper crown, an unfunny joke and something that you will never use? “Ooh look, a very small, cheaply made bottle opener!” I’ve already got a bottle opener! I don’t need tiny scissors! In 60 years time, if I kept every piece of crap from crackers, I’d have drawers full of stuff I’d never used! A waste!

4) Cards! I mean, really? Here’s a piece of paper with a pretty picture on the front with the same message we wrote to you last year. Why can’t I just keep the first card that someone sent? It’s the same message! If they get divorced, I’ll tippex out one of their names. If they have a child, I’ll write it in.

I hate feeling obliged to write cards to someone with the same generic message every year. Just because if I don’t, I know they’ll take offence.

That is of course unless it’s a card to the lovely Mrs Grump. I have to write a message in there because together we have ventured through another year, side by side and no one else could understand what we have had to deal with and overcome. So it’s only right to acknowledge that personally to the most important person in my grumpy world.

And that leads onto the serious bit.

The past couple of weeks, we have witnessed some tragedies in the world. The school children in Pakistan; the siege in Australia followed by the young family who so brutally lost their lives; and just yesterday, in Glasgow, a horrific accident when a lorry mounted a pavement into a crowd of shoppers.

There were plans to enjoy Christmas not only for the victims but also their friends and families. There were presents bought by them, presents bought for them and expectations for laughter and joy over the forthcoming days. But for the friends and relatives of the casualties, the next few days will be the polar opposite of what you and I are hoping for.

So let’s step away from the commercialism, the materialistic routine and expectation that Christmas seems to have become. Let’s empathise and spare a thought for those who have endured tragic circumstances. There are families and friends currently shedding tears and grieving at a time when it is all about the coming together of loved ones. If you are religious, say a prayer for them.

I think it’s important of recognise this, use one of the many things that makes us human; the ability to feel compassion for our fellow man and from that empathy, perhaps we can allow it to trigger something else within us; an awakening perhaps, a shift in perspective, an appreciation for the friends and loved ones we do have nearby. It’s important to tell people how much they mean to you.

I can’t imagine what the families must be feeling, but my thoughts and condolences to them.

To everyone else, I wish you all a very Happy Christmas.

2015 is fast approaching. What Grumpiness shall I encounter?

Do You Realise The Power Of Metal?

Metal christmas

Get out of my way! My brow is furrowed and I look angry. My stride is one of power and determination, much like one of the female candidates on The Apprentice. Yeah, I’m a strong, independent woman!


I may as well have a large neon sign over my head that says, “Don’t mess with me!” and if I could hear my footsteps, no doubt they would be pounding into the floor with large earth shattering thumps.


If I could roar, I probably would but as I’m just getting over a chest infection, it’s probably best that I don’t. (I’m feeling a lot better now. Thank you for wondering and your concerned thoughts that you no doubt had immediately after reading that sentence.)


That’s the power of music you see. From my ears there are two white wires leading into the inside pocket of my winter coat. The earphones emitting music, which I haven’t listened to in years. Not just any music. Metal!!


I don’t know why it affects me so. But alas, when the Metal is playing I become empowered. When doing the house work, if I have Metal playing directly into my head, then you’d better not stand in my way because I will vacuum straight through you!


The only other music to have such an effect is the Rocky IV soundtrack. I made the mistake of going out for a “short” run once whilst having that playing on my IPod. I don’t know what happened because I must have blanked out. I woke up in Aberystwyth, with a flat IPod battery and my trainers smouldering. When I asked a local what had happened, apparently I’d been shouting, “Drago,” a lot before collapsing. It made Forrest Gump look like a work of fiction.


Now, as I listened to the distorted guitars, pounding drums and aggressive wailing of the lead singer, who by the way had clearly suffered in their lifetime by the sounds of the screams, although I couldn’t exactly distinguish the lyrics but anyway, I was an unstoppable force. I was walking like a badass and if anyone were to get in my way, like a very large muscular thug, like a gang of racists, like a stampede of Dudley folk on giro day, God help them for they will meet an immovable object; me. Why? Because I’m listening to Metal!


“Sorry officer for all of the casualties left in my wake, but I had somewhere to go and I was listening to Metal!”


“What’s that? One of the unconscious is Britain’s most violent and highly dangerous escaped convict? Oh right. Didn’t even break into a sweat.”


“What? You want to nominate me for a special reward for heroism? Hey, it wasn’t me, it was Metal!”


“What was that Lord Mayor? You want to give me the key to Dudley? No, you’re okay thanks.”


So what if I was wearing a flat cap? So what if I had glasses on? So what if I was wearing sensible shoes and business trousers and a scarf because of my recent chest infection whilst shrouded in a sensible, thick, three quarter length, winter coat? Image is nothing, mind-set is everything and I was listening to Metal.


I was thinking, it could kick off right now and I would be the lone survivor!


Get out of my way woman with French stick! Don’t push that trolley into my path old man, you could end up wearing it! Easy there, old lady giving me evils, you could end up in the sprouts!


Because I am a man, listening to Metal, in Tesco, with a basket, in search for decent Christmas cards, perhaps some that are labelled as luxury.


What exactly is “luxury” about Christmas cards anyway? When I think of luxury, I imagine waking up in a swanky hotel room, overlooking a deserted golden beach, blue skies and calm blue seas. Or I imagine having a Jacuzzi or a bubble bath with a ridiculous amount of bubbles, maybe even scented candles but only for the missus of course!! When I think of luxury, I don’t think of a bloody Christmas card with glitter on it, which you’re begrudgingly filling in the same thing you say every year out of obligation because if you don’t give some people a card, they’ll take offence! Bah!

Anyway, thanks to the Metal I was in and out in about five minutes and when I got home I showed Mrs Grump the fruits of my labour.


She wasn’t impressed. She’s said that next year, I should give her the money and she’ll buy them for me. I think they’re alright.


Metal, good for aggressive cleaning or for taking on the might of Tesco. Not great for picking a Christmas card that gets the approval of the good lady.