The Arse Parrot

The joys of commuting. The wonderful experience of being crammed into a small metal box with a bunch of strangers with varying degrees of personal hygiene is without doubt, one of the hilights of my day.

Take today, for example, I had positioned myself with an optimum chance of getting on the train within the first wave of commuters. This skill comes through daily practice of studying where the train doors will be when the train stops. Over time I have harnessed a skill like that of clairvoyance, knowing roughly, exactly, where abouts, approximately the train will accurately stop and therefore where to stand relative to the doors for optimum boarding efficiency. I pride myself in my accuracy these days, although it’s probably not the most interesting thing to brag about, especially at a training session at work during the introductions where you share an interesting fact about yourself during an “Ice-breaker.” Yes, you might have someone in the group who travelled to Africa to help build a well for an impoverished community; someone who trialled for a Premier League football team; or someone who met Paula Abdul whilst shopping for athlete’s foot cream in Boots the chemist; but throwing your hat in the ring, regaling the room with how you know exactly where the doors of the train are going to stop, unfortunately, doesn’t impress anyone.

Today was no exception with my train boarding abilities my friends, and I was one of the first wave to board the train. The choice of seats available to me was a joyous sight indeed; the spoils of my hard work being the choice of a rapidly decreasing number of available seats. Granted, not all of the seats would be an option. It depends how filthy they are and if there is any question of whether a stain is wet or dry, it’s just not worth the risk. Today, however, I opted to not delve quite so deep into the carriage, because I knew that the train was going to get very busy and the deeper into the carriage I am, the greater the slog to wade my way through a sea of commuters to get back to a door. Crowd surfing hasn’t been trialled yet but I think it’s a good idea. My stop was the third one along and so I decided to take a stain-free, aisle seat, next to a young lady and near the door.

This was my mistake. 

At the next station, a further mass of miserable office workers pile onto the train, making the population of commuters much denser. It was then that I felt a pressure on my left shoulder. I was not prepared for what I was about to find; for as I turned my head to the left, I found staring right at me, perched comfortably on my shoulder, a man’s arse. This bloke was taking liberties here. I mean, who did he think he was, perched on my shoulder, casually, like a boy band member, dressed in white, on a stool about to sing a tender love song to a bunch of screaming thirteen year olds in 1994! 

I din’t think this was a conscious decision by the man. I think it just happened but still, it was just there, as bold a brass, perched neatly on my shoulder. I’d had a long day at work, (well, it felt long); I didn’t want my face to be in such close proximity to another man’s exit hole, with only a couple of layers of material keeping us apart. That is assuming of course, that he wasn’t going commando.

I was hemmed in, I had nowhere to go and the owner of this anus was also squashed in, hence the shoulder stool he had found. My range of movement was minimal. I did what I could, I leaned away to my right. 

This, I could tell, made the lady to my right a bit uncomfortable because now she had a strange, yet ruggedly good looking and bald man, leaning towards her. She responded by also leaning to her right as far as she could go, which wasn’t far at all. 

This wouldn’t have been as bad, if that had been the end of it. But now sensing the space behind him, the owner of the balloon knot filled the space once again resting it on my shoulder like a Shitting Arse Parrot, like I was some sort of posterior pirate called Captain Brown-Eye. It was disgusting.

My only other option, because I couldn’t lean further to the right, I’d have been resting my head on the lady’s shoulder which to be honest, would have felt a bit like cheating, and on a packed train full of people, the female scream draws a lot of attention. So I leaned forward, and the cheeks kind of flopped behind me. I wondered whether to flip reverse the awkwardness by now leaning back to rest my head again his buttock like a fleshy gluteus cushion. Of course, I didn’t. That would be ridiculous and very wrong. So instead, I was now practically doubled up like I had a stomach cramp. Oh well, just two more stops to go.

At my stop, I stood up and followed my “close friend” off the train. He was taller than I and so I did think that this could have been avoided if he was a couple of inches shorter. But equally, I was also grateful that he hadn’t opted to turn around. It could have been like a scarf over the back of a chair! That would have been worse, surely. 

I have to count my blessings also in that he didn’t have jacket potato and beans for lunch. Every cloud I guess.

So let this be a warning to you, out there, in the urban jungle, these are unwritten rules of commuting. Never opt for an aisle seat, near the door on a packed train. 

Or, if you’re standing and it’s very cramped, consider a shoulder stool. 

Maybe that’s why large shoulder pads died out after the eighties?

P.S: If you’re wondering the relevance of the above image, I searched for Arse Parrot and that’s what came up. 

When The Dead contact you.

I was visiting my Aunt and she explained how she believes that her house is haunted. I’ve stayed there and I haven’t experienced anything. Likewise, my Uncle who happens to share the same living space (they’re married after all), hasn’t experienced anything either.

The evidence? Well, my Aunt swears that lights have been switched on and she has awoken in the middle of the night to discover that a TV might be switched on in one of my cousin’s rooms. But my cousins’s aren’t even home.

I can appreciate that this could be an unnerving predicament and I didn’t exactly feel the urge to get out a Ouija Board.

But later, whilst driving home and letting my little Grumpy mind wonder into the unknown reaches of randomness, I pondered further on the logic of this paranormal activity.

Because let’s be honest, if it is a sign from the “other side” then it’s a pretty crap thing to do isn’t it?

To switch on a TV or a light would, I assume, require some form of conscious thought, a definitive choice to take action and to me that shows a distinct lack of imagination. If you were a ghost and wanted to contact someone in the land of the living, what do you really expect to achieve by switching a light on? If anything, it shows a complete disregard for saving energy and fuel bills. Plus, it’s the fact that, well, it doesn’t really tell anyone anything does it? If you can interact with the physical realm albeit switching lights on and off and turning a tv on, why not do something more direct as a form of contact? Why not make a sign like those you see in the crowd at a WWE event?


Instead of “WWE Granny 86 years old,” it would read, “Hey! Aunty Edith says hello. Should have spent the inheritance on something more productive. Love from Uncle Joe. XXX” or “We saw what you did to the neighbours cat and are both disgusted and appalled. We have literally turned in our graves. From Nan and Grandad.”

But then it occurred to me that if it is possible to interact with the physical realm when you are in spirit and if you can actually move around a living space, touch and move things, then why are you mooching around people’s homes when they’re not around? Why not get on a plane and piss off somewhere nice? Why isn’t the Caribbean or Barbados known as the most haunted places on the planet? I’d be getting as much free travel as possible. It’s like the next logical step from a free pensioners bus pass.

Am I thinking too much about this?




I’ve discovered that I have a “look.” A “look” that’s more common than I realised. Since I bought some new glasses with a thicker frame, it’s become very apparent that I am indeed one of the many who have adopted “The Look.”

It’s like when you purchase a new car. You feel great as you drive around in your red Ford KA and then you see another, then another and another. Your bubble bursts when you realise that every other bloody driver on the road has a red Ford KA.

I’m the same now with my newly discovered “look.” I’m just another bald man with spectacles. Just another bog standard photo fit; another face in the classic 80’s game Guess Who; another creative possibility for a child at Christmas with a new Mr Potato Head.

Get a hard boiled egg. Draw a pair of glasses on it with a marker pen. Congratulations, you’ve just created “The Look.”

The other day I stepped into the reception area of work as I was heading home. I found a colleague who happens to be a bald man (completely shaved like me) with spectacles, signing out. Next to him, the coffee machine repair guy who just so happened to also be bald (completely shaven like us) with spectacles. He also had a striking ginger beard but he still sported “The Look.” He was part of the club.

“Bloody hell,” I said, “Three in a row!” I was genuinely enthused by this moment. I contemplated getting a selfie with them to share on social media to bring joy to all who gazed upon the three bespectacled baldies like we had just been uncovered on some kind of baldy scratch card where three baldies with glasses can win you a hair transplant and laser eye surgery.

Or we could have a selfie with our heads side by side, looking downwards. If we drew nipples on our heads and if the lady on reception stood behind us, we could be recreating that three breasted woman in Total Recall.


Unfortunately, I wasn’t met with the same level of enthusiasm in return. There’d be no time for banter here; no Total Recall re-enactment today. Personally I think they just need to open their minds.

Anyway, needless to say, I didn’t ask for a selfie.

Then today I left work a little late and had to get a dash on for the train. There’s a fine window of opportunity but who should I see running across my path as I burst through the exit door? Yes, a bald and bespectacled man, heading for the station.

As he ran past other commuters heading in that direction, I realised that my sprint for the train was now redundant. I will not be part of some humorous spectacle like a bald man charity dash or a glitch in the Matrix! I will not be a source of amusement! I was laughed at enough in the playground but not at thirty five damn it!

The fact that he was running in a kind of overly zealous, bouncy, children’s TV presenter way didn’t help and I didn’t want the other commuters to think I was chasing him.

Plus I’d probably try to beat him. It’s completely incongruent with the unwritten urban law of bald brotherhood. A baldy should never go head to head with a baldy.

So to prevent ridicule, I missed the train.

People with hair will never know the struggle.

The Birmingham Christmas Market

Birmingham, England. Every year in the weeks leading up to Christmas, the city is invaded by Germans who bring with them the Frankfurt Christmas Market!


Behold The Birmingham Christmas Market!

Year upon year it has grown in size. It draws thousands of Birmingham folk to enjoy the atmosphere and all the picturesque, German Christmassy stuff.

I can take it or leave it; I’m not particularly overwhelmed by this event. To me, it’s a chance to see a load of homesick Germans selling beer, sausage and tat that a 34-year-old man has no interest in. Don’t get me wrong, it’s lovely to look at. But it’s a bit like Kim Kardashian. Initially you’re attracted to what you’re looking at but when you start to invest anything more and look below the sparkling surface, there’s not much more that really interests you. Besides, there isn’t anything that you’d be happy to take home to show your Mum.


Stuff that a Grumpy Young Bloke doesn’t buy.

But this year I ventured out to visit and enjoy the ambience of this spectacle. It could be different; perhaps I was deluded before and the market had before caught me on a particularly grumpy day. Allow me to talk you through my Wednesday evening at the German Christmas Market.

I was attending with two of my comedy writing peers, Matthew and David. We’re a small comedy-writing group of six, thrown together by a con artist. That’s another story, but it’s been great to meet like-minded lovers of comedy writing, to discuss comedy and share ideas, gain critique and expand our knowledge and network.

Only three of us could make it Wednesday evening. I was last to arrive and so to join my writing brothers; I went and ordered a beer. I paid with a tenner; I received a sturdy tankard glass containing a pint of strong lager, a plastic chip and not much change. This was because they were anticipating that I might want to keep the glass and if I returned it with the chip it would prove I was the rightful owner and I’d get some money back. It was a nice glass, but it was a bit presumptuous to think that I’d want to steal it. Birmingham clearly has a reputation. But it’s completely unwarranted in my opinion. We are a kind, loveable and friendly people.

“Someone got glassed up here on Monday night,” said Matthew when I returned with my beer. On a Monday? At a Christmas market? Who glasses someone at a bloody Christmas market? Although, as I looked at the sturdy glass tankard I was holding, I couldn’t help but think that despite it being an atrocious thing to do, it did show a certain amount of ingenuity.

The beer was smooth and strong for a lightweight so it was just the one pint for me. So I returned to the bar with my tankard and chip. The lady serving asked if I wanted another. “No thanks, I’m feeling a little drunk,” I said as the friendly affable Brit. Hey, I was doing my bit for European relations here. I smiled and so did she. Well, I say smile, it was more like a half smile. Actually, on reflection, I think if you broke a smile down into thousandths, I’d go as far as to say it was 3/1000’s of a smile. Or it might have been a tick.

Food! It was time to sample the delicacy that is the German sausage and no, that’s not a euphemism. I approached a Bratwurst stand and ordered a standard hotdog. The lady grabbed a small sliced roll. It was a little bit larger than a choking hazard. The woman then shoved the sausage in it with the same disdain as someone throwing an ex-lovers underpants into a bin bag. The sausage dwarfed this bread roll. She thrust this thing into my face and demanded £4 for it. It was then I realised that this wasn’t a hotdog. This was a German sausage with a bread handle. Oh well, I thought, It’ll probably be nothing short of a taste sensation. It was, after all, a German sausage, made by Germans and sold by Germans.

It wasn’t. I’d added ketchup and mustard but still I couldn’t evade the overwhelming saltiness of this sausage. Who would have thought that extortion tastes so salty? There’s a gag there about sex trafficking, but I won’t go there. The sausage contained the equivalent of a weekly dose of salt. Probably, to encourage the sale of more beer. I was starting to feel myself dehydrate. I was fast resembling a raisin. I had learnt my friends, that I hadn’t just purchased a hotdog, I’d purchased disappointment for a sweet £4!


More salt! Definitely more salt needed.

I stood there contemplating whether I had gone to the German Market for a nice evening but inadvertently purchased angina.

I still ate the bloody thing. I was hungry and I’d spent good money for this shit. Damn it I’ll eat that disgusting salty German sausage! Again, that’s not a euphemism.

Matthew had also bought one and he wasn’t exactly overjoyed with his. David was waiting for our reactions before buying one. David’s not stupid!

We concentrated on the evening’s entertainment. A fat German bloke with a Karaoke machine. I’ll level with you, he wasn’t so much a singer, more of a butcher. It’s kind of imperative that the words have to be sung in time with the music. He should have stuck to some German songs or even some Hasselhoff tracks.

Between songs he’d try to get the crowd pumped by shouting, “Where is Birmingham?!” Only the drunk would reply with a “Yey!” I couldn’t help think firstly, who tries to enthuse a crowd by asking them directions? You don’t see Prince get on stage and say, “I need directions to Walthamstow!”


Secondly, doesn’t this bloke know where he is? “You’re here!” I shouted. “Look around at these underwhelmed, disappointed and dehydrated people. These are Brummies you’re punishing here!”


Then it got worse. He passed the mic to a female colleague who proceeded to sing Amy Winehouse’s version of Valerie. It was bad. “It’d help if she could pronounce her V’s,” observed David. He wasn’t wrong. It’d help if she had a gag, I thought. “Sounds like a pet shop burning down,” I said. “I feel like I’m in hell right now,” said Matthew, polishing off the remains of his sausage handle. She followed up with that classic Christmas hit, The lion sleeps tonight, demonstrating impeccable timing. Well, like that of Network Rail after gypsies steal the power cables.
She passed the mic back to the bloke. “Where is Birmingham!” Good God, this bloke’s still bloody lost!


I was still hungry and we decided to wander to the other part of the market which was less German, on the other side of the demolition site where they are tearing down the brutalist block building that was the old library.


I looked for more food and there was plenty to choose from. There was also plenty of stalls selling tat that I have no interest in whatsoever.


Pretty to look at but, no thanks.

It was just a case of damage limitation now. I’d been ripped off with the sausage; I was going to be ripped off some more. £6 for a burger, £5.50 for a hot dog with onions! I opted for a £4.50 falafel. The main draw being, that I was getting more value for money. Making a falafel wrap is so much more labour intensive isn’t it? It would thus leave me with less of a bitter taste in my mouth.

Matthew had opted for a bag of pork scratchings. Perhaps he hadn’t yet had enough salt. David played it safe and had French fries. Both of whom had finished their meals by the time I arrived with my falafel. Okay, some might have called it slow service, I called it getting more value for my money. It actually tasted okay. Just missed that certain meaty quality that I like. No! That’s not a euphemism either!

It was time to bring the evening to a close. As we entered the German Market zone, the fat bloke was still going strong and still lost. “Where is Birmingham?!” I found myself wishing I still had that glass.

Same time next year then?


Merry Christmas folks!

Bewarned: Click bait

Here’s some free advice for you:

If it says, “These pictures will leave you amazed,” you won’t be amazed at all; just very disappointed.

If it says, “You won’t believe what happens next,” you probably will believe it and feel greatly underwhelmed.

If it says, “This is hilarious,” I guarantee you will not L.O.L.

If it says, “These shocking images of [insert subject here]” you will not be shocked but you will be bitterly disappointed.

If it says, “These pictures will leave you speechless,” you will shortly be saying, “What a load of shit, that’s minutes of my life I’m not getting back,” or something similar.

If it says, “You’ll never guess what happens next,” how about guessing that you’ll feel that it was somewhat of an anticlimax and vow never to do it again. But both you and I know, you probably will.

Click bait, AKA time wasting bullshit.

I’m thinking of starting a war on Clickbait. Who’s with me?

P.S I don’t actually know how I could go to war with clickbait.

Now it’s Christmas! Now!

It’s the 13th of December. Now! Yes, now! Now it is Christmas and not a day before!

Twelve days of Christmas and all that, remember? I can’t stand it when people even mention Christmas in October, put their tree up in November and celebrate what essentially is now a consumerist festival which, for the vast majority of people, (Around here anyway) has lost it’s religious sentiment.

The birth of Christ and all that jazz seems to be less the focus of the season with the focus being more about buying and getting presents. Many, many presents and spending, spending and spending some more. Which is a shame really because the birth of Christ wasn’t about all that was it? Although, one of the gifts bought to him was Gold which isn’t cheap so perhaps the message has always been there.

Mrs Grump asked me what I wanted for Christmas this year. I don’t really want anything to be honest. If I need a jumper, I go and buy one and the only other thing I can think of asking for is something which I will actually get some practical use out of. But when I asked for a bumper pack of Gillette Razors for shaving my head, I was met with a stoney faced, unimpressed Mrs Grump. I think she thought I was taking the Mick. I really wasn’t. Just as well I’ve got my regular supplier through Amazon.


Anyway, to get into the Christmas spirit, here’s a Christmas song and I think it kind of sums up my feeling perfectly.

Have a Happy / Grumpy Christmas!

Swearing: What’s The Point?


I was waiting at a red light and when it turned green I started to pull away. Suddenly to my left, a Vauxhall Zaffira with an overweight woman at the wheel and her chubby kids in the back, came shooting out of the junction to my left. I could only take a guess that they were in a hurry to get to the Macdonalds drive through that was a mere stones throw away from this junction. Perhaps they had an offer on?

I had to slam on the brakes and reacted as most of us would with the non verbal auditory sound of aggression behind the wheel; the obligatory long blast on the horn and when I say long blast, I’m talking a good two seconds which clearly explains my intent without going overboard on the aggression.

I received a response from the woman. She raised her middle finger. There it was, for all to see. A non verbal insult, aimed in my direction.

But as I looked on, I couldn’t help but think how ridiculous that act really is. How could showing her fat sausage like middle finger possibly offend me? If anything it was showing me she had some sort of gland problem.

But as I laughed to myself, I came to realise how stupid that notion really is. How could you get offended by someone showing you a finger? Why does it have to be that part of the anatomy that causes so much offence? Why not the tip of the elbow, the outer side of the ankle or a wisdom tooth, shown with the same evil intent?

Then I started to think about verbal abuse and similarly I came to the same conclusion overall that when you actually look at what’s being said, it’s really stupid and makes no sense.

Two swear words which I can fully understand and appreciate are calling people an Ar$*hole which is not the nicest parts of the body from which our digestive waste is ejected and then of course the other word is calling someone a $h*t. Obviously you are literally calling someone a piece of unwanted human waste which isn’t really good for anything. These insults, I get. I mean I understand! But they’re not used very much in this neck of the woods. I shall take a Grumpy Young look at common swear words and discuss further.

1) F**k off! / F**k You!

Said when you want someone to leave you alone. But the word F**k, is another word for sex. Sex of course, is the natural act of not only showing love and affection but also for procreating. The thing is that sex is enjoyable. (Well, it’s supposed to be. Just depends who you’re doing it with.) But there’s always someone at it and always someone trying to do it. Right now while you’re reading this! Could be the couple who live over the road from you, your colleague who is pulling a sickie from work or maybe even your parents.

So by shouting this you are telling the person you don’t like to Sex off! To procreate off! To have sex! You’re telling them to have a bloody good time! Furthermore, you’re telling someone you don’t like to procreate which is not something you’d really want is it? Some idiot passing on their genes? Well that’s what you’re saying when you say F**k Off!

2) C**t, Tw@t or other derivative.

These words mean lady parts. The C word has a bit more of a gritty edge and is seen as the most offensive of them all. Drop the C Bomb and everyone takes note. Especially in a team meeting at work. Not really appropriate.

But…. what is it about that part of the anatomy that gives it such a bad rep? I mean correct me if I’m wrong, that’s where most men are trying to get to. That’s the promised land! Furthermore, unless you were born using what I shall refer to as, “The sunroof extraction,” then you popped out of one of those! That’s where you came from.

So by calling someone “You Tw@t/C**t!” you are essentially calling them, “A magnetically magical place of wonderment and fascination for most men and also the place you probably popped out of at birth.”

Not offensive at all is it?

3) Dick, cock or other derivative.

Ah, the male counterpart. Admitedly, probably not the most attractive of features and with a lot of attention and pressure surrounding it. But we are again referring to a sexual organ which let’s be honest, blokes struggle to leave alone! Men are very protective over their own package but are more than happy to use the fella when trying to woo the female of the species to reach the promised land, (refer to point two above) so that they can, well, you know, (refer to point one above).

4) W@nk*r

A British insult whereby you are telling a man he masturbates. May as well say the grass is green and the sky is blue really hadn’t you? It’s good for the prostate gland apparently!

5) B@st@rd

This is pretty old school now but nonetheless it means to be born of parents who are not married. However, with increasing house prices and other financial strains that we face nowadays, a wedding is not necessarily at the forefront of couple’s plans. Saving for a deposit for a house is. Therefore, it is becoming a more and more common occurance in todays society.

So when you call someone a “B@st@rd,” what you’re really saying to someone is, “You’re a child born in a modern society whereby a loving relationship is not necessarily defined by a ring on a finger anymore not out of choice but probably due to the increasing financial constraints your parents had at the time you were born. Doesn’t mean they didn’t love eachother!”

So there you have it. Our insults are not really insulting at all.

The next time someone pulls out in front of me I will show them my left eyebrow before shouting, “You sexually active; completely normal bloke who ensures a healthy prostate gland! What were you sex doing? Procreate and spread your genetic code off you favourite place of most men!”

I think they’ll get the message. 

Why Aren’t You A Success?

According to this picture, Success requires you to take an E. Grumpy Young Bloke does not endorse the taking of any drugs.

According to this picture, Success requires you to take an E. Grumpy Young Bloke does not endorse the taking of any drugs.

Why aren’t you successful?

It’s a straightforward question. But then again, I guess it depends what your interpretation of success is.

I admit that in recent years, I have berated myself, beat myself up and labelled myself as a failure. I am not successful. I am not in a fantastic job; I don’t have a degree; I don’t have a house (Sorry to shatter the illusion folks but Chateau Grump is a two bedroom semi-detached house in Dudley that’s rented); I can’t afford a wedding; can’t afford a nice holiday every year and to top it all off, I just couldn’t afford to be Dad. (Please, no comments saying, “You find the money blah blah blah.” It’s a cliche that I’m tired of hearing. It’s easy to say when you have a family support network around you. I don’t.)

But the reason why I’m a failure is not because of me, it’s because of others.

Now, I’m not going to harp on with some self-sympathy, woe is me, I’m a victim, I’ve been held back BS.

The reason why I’m a failure because of others is simply because I am measuring my success by the terms of how others measure it. I have been looked down upon by graduates who earn much more than I do and who are judging me by my job title, my assumed earnings and my apparent status in society. Therein lies the problem. We are possibly measuring success in terms of what society and the media depicts when it is simply not the case.

Switch on the TV or pick up a newspaper or magazine and you will see the rich and the famous. The shallow vision that portrays success as fame, financial security, big houses, big cars and other material objects that are tokens to display to the world that you are a success. Don’t get me wrong, credit where credit’s due. I admire people who achieve through hard work and reap the rewards, but success is not so two dimensional. This portrayal can cause many to feel like they have failed or aren’t good enough because they don’t fit the mould. Where’s the positive reinforcement of self-development? Where’s the gratitude of what you have right now? Where’s the goal of contentment these days? Where are the emotional success stories?

I feel that fame is now a part of our culture that defines success. Being an on-line trend with a million followers, going on Big Brother or Britain’s Got Talent, X-Factor, The Voice or the Antiques Roadshow.

Success is not about queuing up for eight hours to stand for three minutes, hungry for fame, with the same old sob story about wanting to be a singer all your life and how your budgie just died; in the hope that they’ll play a bit of Coldplay over your interview and after you give it your all, singing Robbie William’s Angels, in front of four self righteous judges and a massive audience, you will be judged, not only on whether you are talented, but also whether you are a sellable commodity. If it’s a yes, they’ll play the really uplifting bit of a Keane song. If it’s a no, there is a possibility that you will be publicly berated, belittled and the production team will have a field day editing the audition for TV so that you will be laughed at and shared on many Facebook and twitter streams around the globe. You will be a recognised face, but for being a fool. It is cruel and very sad. You are not a commodity.

Let me tell you the obvious thing here at a risk of sounding cliché. We are all different. You cannot expect everyone to reach for the same goals when you are not all starting from the same point.

It’s like having an Olympic hurdle sprint. But all participants in the race are starting in different places in their lanes; some further ahead than others. Equally, the finish line for some is closer than for others. Then we have the hurdles between the start and finish. One competitor has three hurdles; another has ten. That is life.

So when we compare ourselves to others and see the “Success” that they have achieved, and then feel bad about it and equally, they might be looking down on us prejudging, both parties do not know where the other started from. Yes, there was hard work to reach that point of “Success” but who’s to say that there wasn’t hard work to get where you are now?

Perhaps the “successful” one had help and guidance from supportive parents, perhaps they went to a better school, perhaps financially they’ve never had to struggle or perhaps they’ve never really had any other shit to deal with.

I look back on my 34 years. Without going into detail I admit that my teenage years were difficult. I didn’t have the support or love that I probably should have had. I was eventually kicked out of home. I never went back. Since then, I have done some pretty cool things. Whether it be Martial Arts, music, photography, travelling or writing, I have tried many new ventures, and have achieved many of my goals. I may not have a house, but I have saved hard and we’re almost there with a deposit. To top it all, I have the love of my beautiful Fiancée, Mrs Grump.

But to the person looking down at me, I am just a lowly claims handler for an insurance company, taking phone calls all day, every day. Why is it that people make such judgements based on a job title? As if it’s a label of worth.

I think when we need to consider if we are successful; we need to look at where we have come from, where we are now and where we are going.

If you look at who you were some time ago, compare that to who you are now and if you consider yourself to be a better version of yourself, you are a success. It’s as simple as that.

If you’ve stepped away from negativity in your life, you are a success!

It might be that you just wanted to get a job and got one. You are a success!

If you have managed to escape an abusive relationship, you are a success!

If you have taken the leap of starting to work for yourself, you are a success!

If you’ve overcome addiction, you are a success!

If you’ve decided to take action and ask for help, you are a success!

If you’ve studied to achieve a qualification or dream job, you are a success!

If you’ve created a healthier lifestyle, you are a success!

If you’ve simply made the decision to become a better version of yourself somehow, regardless of the outcome, simply doing it rather than giving up or growing stagnant, you are a success!

If you overcame any battle, any difficulty, any barrier that you came across in your life then YOU ARE A SUCCESS!

I also think we need to look forward. Are we still developing? Are we still growing into better versions of ourselves? I believe that success is not necessarily a full stop. 

But that said, if your goal is to reach contentment and to just chill, then guess what? You’re a success too.

It’s not all about pound signs, dollar signs or any other denomination. It’s not about looking the part, spending lots of money and having lots of inanimate objects that do nothing to enrich your soul. There is nothing wrong with aiming for fame, a good car or financial security (it would certainly make life a little easier at times). But it’s not the be all and end all and by not achieving this, you are not a failure. Success is subjective, personal and internal because everybody and every path followed are different. (That’s pretty cliché, I admit.) Let’s not be bound by what society expects success to look like. They are not you.

So for me, I look back and forget about the expectations and interpretations of success that appear to be the status quo. It’s not about anybody else. I didn’t start in the same place as them. I look at where I am now, where I came from and the many difficulties I overcame and what I have achieved to date and also what I continue to do to develop myself and then it dawns on me that yeah, maybe I am a success.

I’m sure you are too. Don’t be hard on yourself and don’t give up either. To be a success, just succeed.

Not the usual humorous post this time. I’ll be back to my usual self next time.

Festival Season Fail.

It’s Festival Season incase you hadn’t realised.

I’ve booked myself and Mrs Grump some tickets. Oh yes, she’s going to be so pleased when she finds out. My point score will go through the roof!

Glastonbury!? Ha! I scoff at the many who go to Glasto and endure the massive queues for the loo, the stench from the loos that you carry with you for the rest of day (Also when I say loo, I mean hole in the ground) the tent that you set up being crushed by a drunkard, losing your friends and having to go lone wolf for three days and even more horrific than that….

Kanye West trying to sing Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. Or was it Bohemian Butchery?


Mama just killed a man. For butchering a Queen classic and for not knowing the words.

You’ve seen the video no doubt. Firstly this was a pretty sad attempt to get the British crowd on side in light of the petition with 150,000 signatures wanting him off the bill. Don’t they realise he’s the greatest musician of all time?

Apart from that and the fact that he couldn’t recite the lyrics correctly, mimed the lyrics badly, sang way off tune and tried to cover up the fact that he could’t hit the higher notes of the fantastic Freddie Mercury and so left it to the crowd to do, apart from that, it was totally 100% perfection!

That’s sarcasm by the way. A pet shop burning down would have sounded more harmonic and melodious than that bag of sh*t.

Anyway, as I said, I’ve got Mrs Grump and myself some tickets to a festival this year and to be honest I can’t wait.

Imagine the best of Woodstock, combined with the best of Glastonbury, The Isle Of Wight festival and Goodwood Festival Of Speed.

Yes my Grumpy brothers and sisters……

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Behold! The festival of quilts!

Yeah, Mrs Grump and I are going to be one of the revellers this year, just like this lot!

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Look how the one on the left is dressed. Yeah, festival party people! Probably high on some sort of exotic herb cut with rat poison and battery acid or something.

We’ve got to get there nice and early, so we can get a good spot. We can pitch our tent, get our deck chairs out with the little pockets for a can of cider or cheap lager. We’ll put our flag up high in the air and prepare ourselves for a long weekend of unbridled hedonistic liberating freedom from the constraints of the day to day BS that we have to put up with. Us and our fellow revellers will dance, laugh and party into the early hours and no doubt need a few days afterwards to recover.

This is going to be epic!

I just hope the toilets are clean.